Leo Camaleão

Leo Camaleão, or"Leo Chameleon" is a Brazilian Instagram comic strip character created by illustrator Mariana Holtz and journalist Yasmin Graeml as an anti-fake news initiative. The project was created during the Embark for Stanford Rebuild program. Fake News in social media is an issue that is slowly becoming normalized. Younger generations are less likely to research the veracity of information in primary sources, however, they are much more likely to share that information online. With that in mind, Leo Chameleon was born. Leo wants to help you find the fake news that is camouflaged in your daily life in a fun and friendly way! The project launched in August 2020. If you want to see what Leo is up to right now, follow him on Instagram @camaleao_leo !
Comic strips

Leo Chameleon Plushes and mug!

Relaxing in the sun!